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Advanced Chiropractic Center


Phone (828) 667-8000
Address 22 Sardis Rd,
Asheville, NC 28806 United States


At Advanced Chiropractic Center, we offer custom-tailored treatment plans for each patient. By utilizing such proven techniques as chiropractic, functional neurology, massage therapy, acupuncture, therapeutic exercises, dry needling, functional medicine and other natural healing methods, we aim to get to the root cause of your problem and resolve it. Our goal is to eliminate your pain while helping your brain to function better, so you can overcome a variety of chronic pain concerns. We treat patients with back pain, migraines, shoulder pain, neck pain, dizziness, balance disorders, peripheral neuropathies, mild traumatic brain injuries, neurological disorders, and more. With more than 25 years of serving the Asheville, North Carolina area, we are confident we can improve your health.

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